
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Yarrow, Milfoil (Achillea millefolium)

Perennial herb, often rhizomatous, 12-36" tall with sparsely to densely hairy stems. Leaves: both basal and alternate on the stem, 2-6" long, finely dissected with a feathery appearance. Flowers: Ray flowers white (occasionally pink), usually 5, 3-toothed, 0.08-0.12" long, disk whitish, 10-30 flowered, 0.1-0.15" wide. Involucral bracts to 0.2: long, overlapping; heads radiate, numerous in flat-topped clusters that terminate flowering stems. Bloom time: May - November. Where found: Both introduced and native subspecies occur in North America. Fields, lawns, and disturbed places throughout the U.S., southern Canada and TN. Common. 

Notes: Yarrow was formerly called Blodwort, Deadman's Daisy, Nosebleed Plant, Staunchgrass, and Woundwort as the primary medicinal use of the plant was to stop bleeding. The genus name Achillea pays honor to Achilles, who is said to have used this plant in the Trojan War to help the wounded soldiers. It was thought to be especially helpful when a wound was caused by iron. Due to this belief, the crushed plant was applied to shrapnel and bullet wounds during the American Civil War. The Navajo refer to it as "life medicine" because of the many healing properties. It contains at least 100 biologically active compounds with more than 12 anti-inflammatory agents. 

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