
Friday, September 7, 2012

Small Red Morning Glory (Ipomoea coccinea L.)

Family - Convolvulaceae

Stems - Vining, twining, twisting, herbaceous, glabrous to sparsely pubescent at the nodes, to 3m long, angled.

Leaves - Alternate, petiolate. Petioles to +6cm long, glabrous to sparsely pubescent, with an adaxial groove. Blades cordate, ovate, acute to acuminate, entire to coarsely toothed, to 10cm long, 6cm broad, typically glabrous but with papillose hairs near the base by the petiole.

Inflorescence - Axillary, cymose clusters of +/- 8 flowers on long peduncle. Peduncle to +/-9cm long, glabrous, angled, twisted. Pedicels to +/-1.5cm long, glabrous. A pair of bracts of opposing bracts subtending each division of inflorescence. Bracts to 3mm long, 1mm broad, acuminate, glabrous, reduced upwards.

Flowers - Corolla salverform, to -3cm long, red and orange red. Expanded limb to 2cm broad, red on the margins, orange internally, glabrous. Tube orange, glabrous internally and externally. Stamens 5, exserted, adnate about 6mm above the base of the corolla tube. Filaments whitish-orange, glabrous but with retrorse papillose glands near the base. Anthers yellow, 1.2mm long. Style 1, exserted beyond stamens, white, glabrous. Ovary superior, yellowish, glabrous, 4-locular, 4-seeded, 1.3mm long, 1mm in diameter. Placentation axile. Ovary subtended by whitish nectary. Stigma globose, tuberculate-papillose, white, 1.3mm in diameter. Sepals 5, distinct, aristate. Base of sepals unequal, expanded, 3-4mm long, +2mm broad. Arista to 4mm long, slightly bulbous at base. Calyx accrescent.

Flowering - July - October.

Photographic Location: Sycamore Ridge Ranch in Middle TN.

Habitat - Low, moist ground, stream banks, thickets, waste ground, disturbed sites, railroads, roadsides.

Origin - Native to tropical America.

Other info. - This vine produces small yet striking flowers which are like a beacon to butterflies. All parts of this plant are poisonous. The plant can be aggressive if given the right conditions. It is a fairly common species in the habitats mentioned above and is found mostly in the eastern 3/4 of Tennessee. Frequent.

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