
Saturday, September 15, 2018

Spreading Yellow False Foxglove (Aureolaria patula)

Photographic Location: Flat Rock Cedar Glade in Middle Tennessee.

Scrophulariaceae (Figwort Family)

For more information about this plant, Click Here.

Photographic Location: Flat Rock Cedar Glade in Middle Tennessee.

Photographic Location: Flat Rock Cedar Glade in Middle Tennessee.


  1. Hi! I saw this plant at Flat Rock a few weeks ago and I was thinking it to be A. flava because of the upward curving pedicels and maybe they aren't long enough to be patula. Plus I don't think it has been recorded in this county? I'm looking back at the photos I took to make a final decision, wondering what made you decide on patula. Thanks!

    1. Turns out that you are right. After much review and advice from experts I have changed to A.flava! Thanks for your push to make me re-evaluate my identification.

  2. My main reason is that A. flava is rarely found in cedar glades. I did not measure the pedicels which in A. flava is 4-10mm and A. patula is 15-25. I used Guide to the Vascular Plants of Tennessee for my decision. I am a photographer, not a botanist so I need all the help I can get at identification. Thanks for your input.
