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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Wild Poinsettia, Fire on the Mountain (Euphorbia cyathophora Murr.)

Euphorbiaceae (Spurge Family)

USDA Native Status: Native to U.S.

Photographic Location: Wilson County TN.

The dwarf poinsettia has green stems and alternate lobed leaves, the uppermost with irregular red blotches near the base. The terminal flowers are yellowish with 1-2 small glands or nectaries.

Fire-on-the-mountain is a member of the spurge family (family Euphorbiaceae). Spurges are commonly herbs, with milky sap; in the tropics also includes shrubs or trees. There are about 290 genera and 7,500 species, mostly of warm or hot regions. Among the valuable products of the family are rubber, castor and tung oils, and tapioca. Most members of the family are poisonous, and their milky sap will irritate the membranes of the eyes and mouth.

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