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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Partridgeberry, Twinberry, Running box (Mitchella repens L.)

Rubiaceae (Madder Family)

USDA Native Status: Native to U.S.

Photographic Location: Great Smoky Mountains, Cades Cove
A trailing, evergreen herb with white, fragrant, tubular flowers in pairs. Partridgeberry is a creeping, perennial herb, no taller than 2 in. high. All parts are dainty, including its pairs of small, rounded, evergreen leaves; tiny, trumpet-shaped, pinkish-white flowers; and scarlet berries.

A most attractive woodland creeper with highly ornamental foliage, it can be used as a groundcover under acid-loving shrubs and in terraria in the winter. The common name implies that the scarlet fruits are relished by partridges, and they are consumed by a variety of birds and mammals. Indian women drank a tea made from the leaves as an aid in childbirth. 

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