
Comments are encouraged and appreciated. We are amateur botanist, and we do make mistakes sometimes with our identifications. We strive to make this a good identifying resource. All comments are moderated by me and may take several days to appear. This is due to the high number of inappropriate comments that have nothing to do with this subject.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Maroon Carolina Milkvine (Matelea carolinensis)

Photographic Location: Cedars of Lebanon State Park in Middle Tennessee.

Asclepiadaceae (Milkweed Family)

Synonym(s): Carolina Anglepod, Climbing Milkweed

For more information about this plant, Click Here.

Photographic Location: Cedars of Lebanon State Park in Middle Tennessee. 

Photographic Location: Cedars of Lebanon State Park in Middle Tennessee. 


  1. Interesting flowers. Did you smell them? Maroon and brown flowers usually have a bad smell to attract flies and beetles as pollinators.

  2. I did! I didn't detect any discernible odor. Smell can be a very valuable key to identifying plant species. Trilliums come to mind especially.
