As of today, 02/03/2021, I will be moving this blog to my own web site. This will give me greater control of my content and make it more secure. I also hope it will be more enjoyable for you. You should not notice a whole lot of difference. All the same content is there. Some of the format has changed just a little.
You can still enter your e-mail if you want to receive a message when I make a new post. You can remove it at any time. Here is a sample of what that e-mail will look like. E-mails should start some time this month! Just depends on nature at this point.
You don't need any other social media.
I hope you still go the the web site if you need aid in identifying a flower you have found. Right now there are over 625 blooming plants in 88 searchable families. There is a drop-down menu of all the categories you can search. If you want to only see orchids, just select "Orchidaceae (Orchid Family)" from the list. If you want to see the scenic post from our adventures, just select "Scenic". There are a lot more choices.
I would like to know what you think. There are places to leave comments and likes.
OK, I guess you are wondering how to view this marvelous web site.
👉https://whatsbloomingnow.com 👈
Happy Trails!
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